1. | I don’t want to go sightseeing. Nočem na ogled znamenitosti. / Nočem si ogledati mesta. / Nočem si ogledati znamenitosti. | |
2. | There is a tower over there. Tam je stolp. / Tamle je stolp. | |
3. | From the tower they can see all over the city. S stolpa lahko vidijo celotno mesto. / S stolpa se vidi po vsem mestu. | |
4. | The view is amazing. Razgled je osupljiv/neverjeten/čudovit. | |
5. | Dave is afraid of heights. Dave se boji višine. / Dava je strah višine. | |
6. | There are many interesting things to see in Chester. V Chestru je mogoče videti veliko zanimivih stvari. / ... veliko zanimivega. | |
7. | I’m tired and hungry. Is it lunchtime? Utrujen(a) in lačen/lačna sem. Ali je čas za kosilo? / Ali je čas kosila? | |
8. | I can’t stand old buildings. Ne prenašam starih stavb/hiš. / Stare stavbe/hiše mi gredo na živce / ... so mi zoprne. | |
9. | Chester is famous for its cathedral. Chester slovi/je znan po svoji katedrali. | |
10. | Are there many places for entertainment? Ali je veliko krajev/možnosti za zabavo? | |
11. | There isn’t a big shopping centre, but there are many little old shops. Ni velikega nakupovalnega središča, je pa veliko majhnih, starih trgovin. | |
12. | The fire station is on the corner of Wall Street and Bridge Road, next to the cinema. Gasilski dom je na vogalu ulic Wall Street in Bridge Road, poleg/zraven kina. |