1. | If we hurry up, we can still make it for the 8 o’clock movie. Če pohitimo, lahko še vedno ujamemo film ob 20.00 uri/osmih. | |
2. | Many things in the future will change for the better. V prihodnosti se bo veliko stvari/marsikaj spremenilo na bolje/ izboljšalo. | |
3. | Over the next 50 years, it will become harder to tell the difference between a human and a machine. V prihodnjih petdesetih letih bo teže razlikovati med človekom in strojem. | |
4. | Doctors will be able to replace all body parts. Zdravniki bodo lahko nadomestili/zamenjali vse dele telesa. | |
5. | Will computers be able to produce fake people? - No, I don’t think so. Ali bodo računalniki zmožni narediti umetne ljudi? - Ne, mislim, da ne. / Ne verjamem. | |
6. | Where was Srečko Kosovel born? - I don’t have a clue. Kje se je rodil Srečko Kosovel? - Nimam pojma. / Še sanja se mi ne. | |
7. | Cheer up! In the future, parents won’t be so strict. - Dream on! Potolaži se! / Glavo pokonci! / Ne bodi žalosten! V prihodnosti starši ne bodo tako strogi. - Kar sanjaj! / Kar misli si! | |
8. | It’s the boys’ treat because Amy and Emma are broke. Plačajo fantje, ker sta Amy in Emma ‘suhi’. / Fantje ‘častijo’, ker sta Amy in Emma brez ficka/brez prebite pare. | |
9. | Some things will never change. Girls will be girls! Nekatere stvari bodo vedno enake. / Nekatere stvari se ne bodo nikoli spremenile. Dekleta bodo vedno dekleta. | |
10. | I don’t think aliens will land on Earth. Ne verjamem, da bodo Nezemljani pristali na Zemlji. / Po mojem Nezemljani ne bodo nikoli pristali na Zemlji. | |
11. | Berlin will be the capital of the United States of Europe. Berlin bo prestolnica/glavno mesto Združenih držav Evrope. | |
12. | In the future, people will build large cities under the sea. V prihodnosti bodo ljudje gradili velika mesta pod morjem. | |
13. | When I’m twenty-five, I will travel a lot. Ko bom star(a) 25 let, bom veliko potoval(a). | |
14. | When I’m twenty, I won’t look the same as I do now. Ko bom star(a) 20 let, bom na pogled drugačen/drugačna, kot sem zdaj. / ... ne bom taka, kot sem zdaj. | |
15. | There aren’t enough chairs. She will have to stand up. She won’t be able to sit down. Ni dovolj sedežev/stolov. Morala bo stati. Ne bo se mogla usesti. |