Recording 125, page 166
The Smells of Jobs
I know the way that job smell:
The grocer smells of nutmeg
The workman’s overall of oil
The baker smells of flour
The farmer smells of soil
The painter smells of paint
While the doctor’s white coat has no taint
But strangely, those who lounge against the wall
May stink a bit, but smell of nothing at all.
Never leave it till it’s done.
Be the labour great or small
Do it well or not at all.
Wind and Weather
The South Wind brings wet weather,
The North Wind wet and cold together.
The West Wind always brings us rain,
The East Wind blows it back again.
Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,
Get it done by half past two.
Half past two is much too late!
Get it done by half past eight.
For a lucky bride
Married in White, you have chosen right,
Married in Grey, you will go far away,
Married in Black, you will wish yourself back,
Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,
Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,
Married in Blue, you will always be true,
Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,
Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,
Married in Brown, you will live in the town,
Married in Pink, your spirit will sink.